Thursday, September 3, 2015

3 Sept 2015 - Great Barrington, MASS.

8:10a usual departure, with 11:15a arrival in Great Barrington, Mass. We are visiting our friend Sandy, along with her family in the area ('Topher, Alanna and Tracey; will miss Andy who is in Florida). We are missing George who regretfully past away last year - it will be great to reminisce and remember the joy of his life and that which he inspired in others.  

While we had some early travel on I-84, most of the trip was on quieter roads (52 and 23). We will enjoy a few days of rest over the long weekend and do 'whatever', and generally relax with a very great friend.  

To date we have travelled in 16 states and 1 province, covering approx. 6,100km; more to come yet before we get to P.E.I.

Plan is to head out on Tuesday, Sept 8 on the next and relatively brief leg of our trip.  We plan to cover most of our 300km for the day on the Mass. Turnpike so as to afford us time to leave our car in Woods Hole, Mass., and take the noon ferry with friends to Naushon Island where we plan to enjoy the week.

The subsequent leg of our trip is to start on Sept 14 and head up the eastern seaboard over a couple to days to Nova Scotia.

Blog updates may or may not occur for awhile, depending upon wi-fi access on Naushon Is. (which is expected to be limited)

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