Sunday, September 20, 2015

18, 19, 20 Sept 2015 - PEI

We have had a wonderful stay on the Island  at cousin Margaret and Mark's cottage, and will be heading westward tomorrow morning.

Friday evening was our opportunity to go the Emerald Junction - Susan's favourite place on the Island due to family history and childhood memories from past visits here.  Friday is when the 'Boxcar Lounge' is open (lok for the flashing railway crossing lights - indicates that the Boxcar is open for business, and tonight was special as their last Ceildh (easy to say, hard to spell and pronounce from spelling)of the summer season was being held this evening. A nice evening with friends and relatives, basic food selection at a reasonable price, then Island entertainment at its best for $10 per person -- a great time and wonderful event (and yes, this involved use of the 'fiddle' - it was a Ceildh of course).

Saturday - a brief tour around the Island between Charolottetown and Summerside. An oil change as we've put 8,700 km on so far this trip.  Dinner down the road at a 'family style' restaurant -- true to form, their wine selection consisted of 'red and white' -- makes ordering wine a simple matter.  Beer comes with a broader range of choice.  The evening was capped of with a 'night cap' back at the cottage - what else but some good ol' 'moonshine' made by the nephew of a cousin.  Add a little lemon to it, and the palatability improves.

Sunday - a 'brunch' get-together at the cottage with some close cousins.  Our last chance to see folks before heading out tomorrow.

A couple of pics from cottage are attached.

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