Saturday, August 29, 2015

29 Aug 2015 - Dodge City, Kansas

8:00a (MDT) start with a 5:30p (CDT) finish into Dodge City, KS.  About 760 km today. Left Estes Park heading south on the Peak to Peak highway which was a nice drive with views, then east through Denver (nice to get through there --- way too much traffic) and back to the plains.  Once again, flat and arid like an Alberta eastern drive on Hwy 1. Went through Kit Carson (we must be in the old west), Wild Horse (looked to be a 50's era ghost town given the look of the unkept buildings). Later got onto the Sante Fe Trail at hwy 287 in CO. / 50 in KS.  The Trail was pioneered in 1821 (see attached map) and ran from Franklin, Missouri to Sante Fe, New Mexico-- hard to imagine what a trip on the trail would entail - but it would have been very demanding and likely not without significant incident. While in Kansas we'll keep and eye out for Dorothy, or any of her three sidekicks from that parallel universe of Oz!  Dodge is as in the 'westerns' - Boot Hill, Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson and a number of other figures.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful trip so far. You've covered a lot of territory in just a few days. Rain today in Canmore helped to clear some of the smoke. Safe travels. - Virginia
