Monday, August 24, 2015

2015 Road Trip East (Mountain to Maritimes) - pre-trip

August 25th 2015 begins our road trip east in our 2006 Mazda Miata (MX-5). Our travel plans suggest that we will pass through 29 provinces and states (6 provinces and 23 states), and cover about 11,000km per the attached pics of our routing eastbound and westbound. The planned return date is Canada's Thanksgiving weekend - the Monday, but we will be flexible on the date. This is our first major road trip in quite some time and have not done a trip this extensive.  We did test out our readiness in a trip to the west coast in June, so we are reasonable confident of NOT over- nor under-packing; we'll see. It would be nice if the smoke haze from the Washington wildfires is somewhat less tomorrow, but if not we'll just enjoy some diminished views as the smoke will add another measure of character to the views. Longview is the planned first stop - coffee and lunch, then to Lethbridge to visit with Susan's cousin Sheila and husband Ray - it will be great to see them. The Mazda dealer currently has a 4th generation Miata, so I can look at that while Susan plans to get a little pampering with a mani-pedi. The next day and subsequent we will just travel somewhat freely until we get to Mass., Nova Scotia, PEI, Quebec and Ontario - all places to see and catch up with wonderful friends and family.

The plan is to update this Blog frequently, and will add pics when we can.



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