It was not yet 8:00a, but the words of Matt Dillon ('Gunsmoke') were already echoing in our ears - it was time to "get outta Dodge". We set off into the rising sun....well - it was there somewhere above the fog, which stayed with us for a few hours. Came across a massive 'windmill farm', which looked quite spectacular in the ground fog.
We had a nice drive as we continued our journey along the Sante Fe Trail - hwy 56, and stopped to see where some original 'ruts' (wagon wheel tracks) still exist. These are the remains of the wagon tracks from the settlers over some limited tracts of land that have remained untouched and un-tilled. Little would a settler have thought that their wagon wheel tracks in the mid-1800s would still be there over a 150 years later (and some today deny thought that we have little impact on our environment). It was very nice taking a smaller highway and travelling through a number of very old and very small towns. Many of these still have some very old (and unused) buildings dating back over a 100 years. The 'road less travelled' proved to be most enjoyable. We also headed to Kansas City - both in Kansas and Missouri -- something like Lloydminster I suppose, but much larger. Couldn't help but think of the song......"Going to Kansas City, Kansas City here I come. Going to Kansas City, Kansas City here I come. They got a crazy way of loving there and I'm gonna get me some" - well - it's only a song, right? Oh, and while we didn't find Dorothy in Kansas, we did find the Tin Man in a town called Council Grove; we are pleased to note that he still had his 'heart' - compliments of Oz.
Then into Missouri and freeway driving to make some time. Ended up in Jefferson, the state capital, for the evening and settled on take-out pizza, beer and wine for dinner. Yes, we're concentrating on eating only in the healthiest of fashion on this trip! Arrived here about 6:30, having covered about 840 kkm. Some pics attached. Tomorrow we start off alongside the scenic Missouri River.