Friday, October 9, 2015

9 Oct 2015 - Minnesota - North Dakota (Williston)

The usual start at 8:00 am, but first a trip into a nearby park to enjoy viewing the Mississippi River, as we didn't really get a good glimpse yesterday (see pic). Cool this morning, but no rain so that was nice.

A comment re yesterday:
- question of the day. An age 20's young man at a gas station noticed that my license plate had 'Alberta' on it.  His question-"Hey, where is Alberta? Somewhere in Minnesota?" In trying to give a thoughtful and educational answer, I said "North of Montana".  That was met with silence (and I wasn't going to try to explain where Montana is!) OK, enough of that.

A comment re today:
Gotta' love highway signage, advertising and placement.  Saw an ad sign "Adoption - the good thing to do" (or something similar). A 100 meters down the road - a highway sign "Adopt a highway"! Don't think that is what the advert was intended for.

The nice weather saw us putting the top down for the day from about 10:30 onwards. Temperatures hovered around 12 Celcius for most of the day, but warmed up a few more degrees when we hit North Dakota.

North Dakota - the land is flat and the roads are straight, notwithstanding the occasional curve just to break up the drive. Much farming plus gas field/sites continuously.  These two industries intermingled seems to work, but the traffic with large trucks crossing a 70 mph highway with uncontrolled access -- must be some bad accidents from time to time. Also, ND presents a good reminder of the Cold War era, with old missile silos, and in Cooperstown there is the Ronald Reagan Minuteman Missile Control station (decommissioned) that is the only station of its kind that can be visited and toured by the public. What else - oh yeah - only country music on the radio - if it ain't country, it ain't radio!

Went by Fargo - why? - because it is Fargo (and you have to have loved the movie).

Rugby - see pic.  The geographic centre of North America.  The way I figure it, if you visit Rugby then on average you have been everywhere in North America.  At least this attempt at logic makes sense to me! 

Tonight we're in Williston, ND, arriving at 7:00pm.  938 km today, so our longest day on the entire trip.  We're close to Montana now, so might get to Alberta (maybe Waterton) tomorrow.

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