Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sept 27-28 2010 - Zagrab, CROATIA

Arrived at the Westin Hotel in Zagrab in time for early evening dinner -- a very nice meal and evening with co-travellers. Tuesday morning we were up bright and early, and into the old town (lower town and upper town) by bus followed by a walking tour. Changed some of our Euros over to Kuna (since Croatia is not part of the EU). As is the case in much of Europe, there are churches everywhere (during communism, churches remained open and used by congregations, provided that there was little to no display of religion outside of the physical confines of the church). Much restoration of churches underway, which are clearly major undertakings. The cathedral here is very impressive. After walking around the town, we stayed in the area for a coffee, and then did some alternative walking/touring ourselves, followed by a nice lunch (ok -- two days in a row we have had a wonderful mushroom soup, served in a bowl made of hollowed-out bread >> very tasty). Keeping with our practice in London, Paris and Vienna, we took public transportation which served us well -- from the main square we found we could take the tram 2 stops at no charge, which placed us a block from the hotel >> a good deal and very convenient. Lots of cobble stone streets here, and the buildings don't generally have the same impressive architecture that we saw earlier on our trip. Many old buildings are finished in a yellow coloured concrete; buildings are generally low rise. While many washrooms have a charge (as little as 0.17Eur, they are really clean as there are full-time cleaning staff on site. We'll be looking for a place for dinner tonight, then off to Budapest tomorrow, with new currency for our use (the Forint - HUF).

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