Saturday, July 10, 2010

July 10 - Miners' Day - Canmore

The Canmore Miners' Day parade took place today, and takes place each year on the dates closest to the anniversary date of July 13 commemorating the closing of the Canmore coal mines in 1979). There was a 'short' parade -- about 10 minutes -- up main street to recognize the coal mining heritage of this community and the families that played a role in coal mining - many are still are present here -- they and their work resulted in the establishment of the town of Canmore. Following the parade, there was a lunch ($5 for beef on a bun and a drink) at the Civic Centre. More activities occur for the miners and their families as it is their reunion weekend. July 2010 will also celebrate Canmore's 127th anniversary, and the 100th anniversary of the Miners' Hall.

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