Thursday, June 17, 2010

Upcoming trip from Toronto, ON to Canmore, AB

On Sunday June 20 we begin our motorcycle and auto journey from Toronto, Ontario to our new home in Canmore, Alberta. The routing plan is north to Sudbury, west to Sault Ste. Marie, and follow the coast of Lake Superior to Fort Frances. Then head north to Kenora and west to Winnipeg for a couple of days. After that, we plan to take roads less travelled, heading west on Hwy 2 or 3 - Manitoba; these turn into Hwys 13/18 respectively in Saskatchewan. This will eventually lead us into Lethbridge, Alberta on Hwys 1 (Trans-Canada) and 3. Our last leg of the trip should take us on Hwy 3 west to 22 where we head north to Longview, AB, and take 40 through the Highwood Pass in the Kananaskis to the Trans-Canada and west to Canmore. About 3,700 km in total.

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